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How many shares of Baaba are in 9988?

They are both shares of the same company (Alibaba Group), but differ in the currency they trade in and the minimum number of units to invest in. Moreover, it is possible for you to interconvert between these two stocks. The current conversion rate states that one share of BABA is equal to 8 shares of 9988.

What is the difference between Baba & 9988?

BABA is traded in USD, while 9988 is traded in HKD. Depending on your home currency, you may be exposed to exchange rate fluctuations! On the NYSE, you can trade a minimum of 1 unit of BABA. However, the minimum lot size for 9988 is 100 units. If you convert the cost of buying 1 lot of 9988 stocks to USD, it’ll cost around $2.7k USD.

What is group 99889?

Group 99889 is classified under heading 9988 (Manufacturing services on physical inputs (goods) owned by others). You can check GST tax rate on 9988, Manufacturing services on physical inputs (goods) owned by others . First 4 digits, (9988) represents heading under which this SAC falls.

What does 9988 stand for?

INSERTED 6 Heading 9988 (Manufacturing services on physical inputs (goods) owned by others) Same 2.50% Same

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